Picture 13 of 169
1. Clint, 06.03.2012, 17:49
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2. khcmmvq, 09.03.2012, 21:35
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3. Nyanna, 15.03.2012, 13:45
Liz is not just ANY page turner. Liz is the Heifetz, the Pavarotti, the veritable Yo-Yo Ma of page turners. She is the kind of page turned who, if I was completely fumbling a difficult passage, would suddenly have an uncontrollable puking fit so as to draw attention away from my screwup. She also knows exactly how many pieces of sushi you might need at intermission. At least that\'s my experience; your mileage may vary One last bit of clothing advice for page turners: No dangly loose jackets. I once played a whole violin recital with silk caressing my left cheek at every turn. I\'m not saying I didn\'t enjoy it, but it was kind of distracting.
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4. Nyanna, 15.03.2012, 13:45
Liz is not just ANY page turner. Liz is the Heifetz, the Pavarotti, the veritable Yo-Yo Ma of page turners. She is the kind of page turned who, if I was completely fumbling a difficult passage, would suddenly have an uncontrollable puking fit so as to draw attention away from my screwup. She also knows exactly how many pieces of sushi you might need at intermission. At least that\'s my experience; your mileage may vary One last bit of clothing advice for page turners: No dangly loose jackets. I once played a whole violin recital with silk caressing my left cheek at every turn. I\'m not saying I didn\'t enjoy it, but it was kind of distracting.
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5. Irene, 01.04.2012, 15:14
we dont hate her, but some of us actually love her, like me, but seriously, selena just dates guy after guy once they get big, and it really hurts to say this but im afraid Justin will have the same fate. He is getting PLAYED. Proof : JoBros were big in 2008, she dated nick and was in burnin up. Twilight Saga first comes out in Nov 2009, she is spotted with Taylor in early to mid 2010, presumbingly dumping Nick for him. Now finally, she has HIM. Excuse me but, what a bitchy WHORE!
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6. Dillian, 08.04.2012, 18:48
Isn’t much of the real money from services and boat registrations and services? Are the Texans buying boats never going to sail them here, or keep the boat and its registration in Florida? Florida changed its law to keep boat buying on-shore in the USA, instead of nearby Caribbean countries. I don’t think it will make a boat owner very popular in Texas with his/her boat proclaiming someplace in Florida as its home port.
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