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1. Kary, 08.03.2012, 15:25
Wow, Frank, hit the nail on the head, but could have sugar coated it a titlle for Cameron. The reality is, sometimes you focus on a personal or life goal (a boat however large) and do a lot of good on the side. Or you recognize that sometimes ya juss gotta go private (let\'s face it, 5% of your private time is probably fleeing from the hurricanes and after 13 hours in the commercial lounge last time, I will do the same). Reality is, from each perspective, to focus on the benefits of wealth, it can look like one is just reaping rewards. But, dig a titlle, and you will find that most of those who can, will, and do, give often to extremes. Not only for tax benefits, but for personal self satisfaction. I think there are very few rich or ultra rich, or (whatever the next level is), who do not stop and think of giving back. Funny thing is, when they do, they throw big bucks (from where I am) at a cause, without even blinking.Look at the Gates\' recent $100m (yes, m\' for MILLION) donation to Rotary\'s continuing efforts to free the world of polio. A small(ish) sum for them a huge boost for a project where that buys hundreds of millions in vaccines. Even a $10 gift makes a diffence in a cause like this.Bottom line, your view on lifestyles, and giving back, differ from those around you, depending on their (and your) financial status. Where one might throw $10 in the plate and drive home in a a Camry, another throws $100 and leaves in a Jag. Each should go home knowing they gave in relevant perspective to their position. And those outside should aspire to do the same even if they are throwing in a dollar and leaving on a bike.Jealousy furthers noone.***FS*** Well put sir.
2. hnxfacff, 10.03.2012, 03:10
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